Antietam rendered in a vivid, modern way, covering the fighting in full during America's deadliest day, but also weaving Lincoln more deeply into the tale than in a standard military history. Please visit the author’s Facebook page for pictures and updates.

Rebel Souls: Walt Whitman and America's First Bohemians
Da Capo Press – 2011This is the wild, tragic tale of an artists' circle that hung out at Pfaff's saloon in NYC during the 1850s. Among its members: a young Walt Whitman; trailblazing stand-up comic Artemus Ward; psychedelic drug explorer Fitz Hugh Ludlow; and the brilliant brazen actress Adah Isaacs Menken. Please visit the book’s Facebook page for pictures and updates.

Genius of Place: The Life of Frederick Law Olmsted
Da Capo Press – 2011Biography of Frederick Law Olmsted, pioneering landscape architect and brilliant designer of Central Park, sailor, scientific farmer, noted abolitionist, gold mine operator, Civil War hero, and crusading journalist. To research this biography, Martin traveled to a number of sites around the country. View Martin’s posts on Olmsted and his various masterpieces.

Nader: Crusader, Spoiler, Icon
Basic Books - 2002This is the definitive biography of the celebrated consumer advocate and perennial presidential candidate, named one of the 100 most important figures of the twentieth century by both Time and Life magazines. Martin provides a sweeping story, covering everything from Nader’s '60s-era battles to get seatbelts into cars to the controversial 2000 election. To discuss Nader, Martin appeared on TV shows such as CNN People in the News hosted by Paula Zahn and also in the 2006 documentary, An Unreasonable Man.

Greenspan: the Man Behind Money
Perseus Publishing - 2000In this full and fascinating portrait, Martin explores Greenspan’s hardscrabble Depression-era childhood, youthful stint as a professional jazz musician, time in the inner circle of writer Ayn Rand, and historic tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve. While researching this bio, Martin interviewed long-time Greenspan associates such as Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, and Milton Friedman. The book was a bestseller and was chosen as a notable book by The New York Times Book Review. It has been translated into German, Italian, and Thai.